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#64 Darphin Paris Organic Jasmine Aromatic: so delicious, in more ways than one


Once again, another one of my favorite products is from France. It hadn’t occurred to me how many of my “go to” lotions and potions were directly from the French, however, it doesn’t surprise me when I consider how I admire the beauty of French women!

Pierre Darphin created his skincare line in 1958 with an innate knowledge of how women want to be pampered and how their products should make them feel indulged. One of my favorite indulgences is reading “Town & Country” magazine and Darphin Paris products are consistently mentioned in the editorials. I’m certain this is how Darphin Paris crossed my radar.

Darphin Aromatic Care includes several different formulas for various skin types to be applied at night and to address your specific desire. My favorite is the Organic Jasmine Aromatic Care which is uniquely formulated for those of us with “mature” skin. It’s a blend of pure essential oils that upon opening the bottle, one big inhale of it’s contents smells so delicious that it becomes difficult to decide which is more appealing, the awesome aroma or how delicious it makes your skin feel. This wrinkle smoothing formula can be yours too.

Here’s how to add it to your shopping bag:


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