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An Evening of Health & Beauty: Personalized recommendations for stylish & elegant San Diego women


Hi Ladies!

I am so excited to be hosting our first event to celebrate the launch of my new blog and the impending soft launch of TopLaserSpa Magazine – both combine two of my passions into one incredible site.

We scoured the Internet and found that no one resource quite addressed the health and beauty needs of sophisticated women over 30. Unlike our counterparts in their early 20’s, we are at that stage where we are more concerned with aging gracefully than being trendy, and until we discover the eternal fountain of youth, we are happy with simply trying to look and feel our best!

I’ve partnered with H&B, a publisher of patient guides and information related to women’s health, beauty and wellness, and we are building a community around patient education which is anchored by our flagship magazine, TopLaserSpa and is supported by our blogs, forums, live chat features and, of course, our fun, fabulous local events.

Our goal is to spark dialogue among women over 30 about the latest non-invasive anti-aging techniques, skin rejuvenation therapies and body sculpting and fat loss solutions.

Additionally, we are taking the community one step further with Amara, TopLaserSpa’s complimentary health & beauty concierge service.

  • Have a question?
  • Would you like a phone consultation before you commit to seeing a cosmetic specialist?
  • Hate playing “telephone tag” when scheduling an appointment?

… Then Amara is for you!

Our elegant “Amara Ladies” are treated to …

  1. Special rates for cosmetic treatments
  2. A wonderful appointment setting service
  3. Exclusive invitations to health & beauty events and product launches
  4. … and more great rewards and complimentary benefits!

San Diego ladies, won’t you please join us at our next event in Encinitas, California?

We’ll be at a lovely salon which provides an informal setting where you’ll learn all about Amara, hear some great presentations on ground-breaking anti-aging treatments, and the best part, we’ll treat you to our famous white sangria and a fine selection of antipastas and cheeses!

Pre-register for our event here


Written by admin

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